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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hi all,
its beEn so long since I blog the last time..
Had always wanted to blog de.. but end up being lazy w0rr
hehe. 2 more days and its holidays soon.
Hows lifef?? my belove sais..
I got myself a temp job this holidays.....
hey, leets plan for a holiday trip to thailand b4 leaving RP??
interested.. , and we can plan more when we meeet!!!
love you.. miss U =)
keep in touch

Blogged @ 11:30 PM
Don't let me go -

Friday, April 18, 2008

School just reopen and how are U all?? good?? happy with new class??
Haizz.. Im so sad. 2 of my modules are damn difficult to understand.
1. IT project management
2. IT service operation
Is just like so so so HaRd!!!!!!! Arrr... what to do?? Seems like hor choose wrong module liao ar..... HAIZZZZZZZzzzz..... just hoping for a better tomor0www...

Blogged @ 3:14 PM
Don't let me go -

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

An interesting journey i had on the bus today...

both me and yanxin were to meet our fyp teamate at her house today. And we took a bus 51 there. On our way to the her house, we saw some pri sch kids coming up. And gues what.. 1 of the indian guy eating red bean ice cream, and another driking a can of 100+.. hahah.. with tIs, the bus driver can even let them board it... The kids are so inconsiderate 1... Despite knowing it is wrong, they still do it. And another chinese boy ignore the grandma when she tries to talk to himm.. sad thing.
Hmm.. Also saw another kid wearing Raincoat on the bus. Think she forgotten to take off ba.. So funny and interesting.. Hahha.
Got to stop here.. gg Out le bb

Blogged @ 2:23 PM
Don't let me go -

Monday, March 31, 2008

Teaching the kids at orphanage. telling them about culture of Singapore. Miss Singapore's Food!!

haha.. This is the silk farm. A group photo taken there...

Menu lists.. Food sold @ their restaurant. This is considered expensive for the locals.

this is their tok tok, ( which is equivalent to our taxi). They dun have mrt, buses and other public transport. Majority of people there own a bicycle, motor cycle..

This is how we handwash our cloths.. haha, now i am more Independent already..


Some photos at cambodia being uploaded...

Blogged @ 1:00 AM
Don't let me go -

Saturday, March 29, 2008

haha.. time really flies. now its 1 more week to school reopen.. dam fast de la..
didnt really have enough rest lolo..
yesterday was a day where i spent s000oo long waiting for my cambodian friends at chinatoWn. wahaha.. didnt even believe myself that i am so patient as to wait 2 full hours there. 1st time know.. ( we were suppose to meet 7.30 and they reach 9.30).
well.. dun really know what to do, jus went shopping all alone. Shopping alone is Boring. Got no1 to talk to and so inconvenient.......... AR!!
Also got good points la.. want go where jus go...
It was mine 1st time going to a gay pub named play yesterday. We played this game (I NEVER) Whoever has done it b4 got to drink.. its kind of sabotouch game. Okie, it was rather fUn and 2 of my friend got high.. (1 girl 1 guy) drank too much of vodka lime and got high. Too aggresive lE..
throw the ice cubes on the table, making a nuisense of himself.. throwing the cusion around.. the rest of us had a hard time controlling him.. giv him water also no use de. How!! ask him eat lemon. Hopefully he gets better la.. We waited like an hour b4 we go home..
cabbing home at midnight was expensive. it took mi like 16.50.. Arrr
upload the pics of the pic another time ...........
night life.. hahaha

Blogged @ 12:59 PM
Don't let me go -

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

ya.. HELLO, its me again..
i blog now.. so sorry. didnt blog for quite long time le.. LAZY!!
hmm.. interested to know where have i been for the past 2 weeks..
wahaha.. its cambodia. ( going orphanage conducting it workshop )
I participated in school's service learning trip to cambodia for 2 weeks and just came back a last tues. And so sUay that my laptop spoil. ( haiyozz.. jus formated b4 the holidays and laptop crash!! cant even get to windows..Arrr..... )
okoko.. stop complainning.. share some experience things with you all ba.
It was a 2 weeks trip there and i have really enjoyed myself there despite being attack by so many mosquitos. Seriously, if given another choice there I will want to return. Different thoughts before going N coming back.
Before going there, I was worrying about the food, the toilet facilities and living condition there. ( This was due to the ubin trip where it is a trainning for us before going cambodia to stay.)
Now, I like cambodia more and more. Missing the kids in the orphanage.. Omg they are Super cute playful. $300 spent was extremely worth it.
I will upload the photos once i get it and give more details.

Blogged @ 12:56 AM
Don't let me go -

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

new post new post.... Y nobody update de. =(
Went Paula Ubin with school on 22nd feb to have a camping there. This is a training provided by the school to cambodia. HAizz.. feeling happy and sad at the same time.. Known some new friends there and get bitten by the HUNGRY mosquitos there.... Dunno y ar, despite applying the insect repelent still got so many bite de le. 1, 2, 3, ...11. Wa lau, spray still like no use de lehh..
Dun get to cycle also000.. cher saE NO!! Its dangerous.. haha.. took a number of photo haven got it.
When we were exploring Ubin, a snake suddenly guide pass us. A few of the girls are screaming at the top of their voices, looking pale...
Hmm.. Ubin is a nice place i should consider, (thought theres mosquito) many tourists went there.. Life there was simple but things sold there was ex... Taking the van is more expensive than taxi here... Each person cost $2.

Blogged @ 7:57 AM
Don't let me go -